How to Choose An Instrument

Choosing the Right Instrument
Do you want to take music lessons but are uncertain about which instrument to play? Here are some general guidelines.
Remove the misconception that piano is the first instrument you should start with. Students can start learning any instrument first. Our mentors are able to scale down the learning process for all instruments, beginner to advanced. All instruments can be played with or without reading music!
Traditionally taught as the “first” instrument that people should learn. The piano is very accessible. Learning generally happens quickly at first and gets more difficult over time.
The guitar has a lot of appeal. It is a very physical instrument and it requires a good deal of force to play. Guitars come in different sizes. Make sure to choose the correct size. The guitar is difficult right away and then it gets easier over time.
The ukulele is basically a smaller version of the guitar. A lot of the same ideas/concepts are transferable from the guitar.
Although many parents see the drums as a reward instrument, they can be a great first instrument with proper guidance. The drums can be modified in many ways to accommodate different learning preferences.
Bass Guitar
The bass guitar is more or less a larger version of the electric guitar. It’s typically too large for young children, but smaller scale basses are available. Many times, bass students start with guitar and then switch to bass because the guitar just isn’t the right fit for them.
Voice training should typically start a little later (9 years old) because of the way our voices develop. This doesn’t mean that children can’t improve their voices before they are 9 years old. However, you will see more return on your investment after the early childhood years.
Band and Orchestra Instruments
Many schools have band and orchestra programs. They usually start around the fourth or fifth grade. Traditionally these instruments are learned by reading music from method books, usually from what the school band/orchestra director assigns.
Multiple Instruments
For many students, especially young children, it’s a great idea to split lesson time on multiple instruments (ukulele/piano, piano/voice, drums/piano). This gives students a chance to explore other instruments that they are interested in playing.

Enroll at Twin Cities Music School
Private Lessons at Twin Cities Music School is an incredible way to be introduced to learning to play music. Beginners and experienced students alike will develop their skills further and set and achieve goals they didn’t think they were capable of.